Our restorative Masque de Grace is nothing short of Wondrous.
Masque de Grace includes all 22 ingredients from our L’huile de Grace blend. When bottling of L’huile de Grace into 1.25 oz. bottles, we combine the “delicious rich goodness” concentrate at the bottom of the source liter bottles with organic French Lavender to make the basis for the masque.
Masque de Grace is therapeutically mineral-rich and contains Earth’s most curing wonders from the Dead Sea such as magnesium, calcium, sulfur iodine, sodium, zinc and potassium.
Our Masque helps remove impurities while naturally cleansing and exfoliating the skin — fantastic for challenging acne or excessively dry skin. Oily skin will feel a more balanced pH with weekly use.
Masque de Grace creates radiant, tightened skin by increasing blood flow to your skin’s cells. If you’re looking tired, the masque is an instant pick-me-up for your face, especially when used under the eyes.
Apply a thin layer with fingers over face, around eyes, neck, chest and top of hands.
Allow the masque to dry for 15 minutes. A slight active tingle will be present.
Massage your skin while rinsing for maximum exfoliation and circulation benefits.
Apply L’huile de Grace restorative moisturizer afterwards for the ultimate skin nourishment.
We know you will absolutely LOVE adding this treatment to your routine.